The Tarot numerology for 2021 is fascinating! The year 2021 creates 5 cards:
20: Judgement
21: The World
2: The High Priestess
1: The Magician
5: The Hierophant – (2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5)
What this means:
20 – Judgement
This year, we are calling up the best version of ourselves, the vision that we dreamed of, and we’re turning that vision into goals. Just what is your best self? How are you doing with feeling alive, motivated? How is your community, your health, your finances? This is a great year to really make any area of your life shine. Judgement comes with dredging up emotions and past events that have held us back in the past; we can no longer operate with old wounds holding us back, or you can expect more of the same. Be prepared and put on your big pants and grow!
On a global level: What is true for the micro (individuals) is also true for the macro (community, city, state, nation, world). We as a world need to focus on a common mission to be the best we can be as a species. The next card in the numerology of this year is The World. This year, it’s possible to advance in such a degree that we can really feel a difference. This comes from letting go of societal addictions to the way we were pre-2020.
21 – The World
It has been 100 years since we had a “21” in the Year, 1921 being the last. Think how much the world changed then: You had Flappers & Prohibition, people who wanted to change and people who enforced business as usual. Sound familiar? It’s really interesting to have Judgement and The World in the same year as the World often indicates breakthrough in a beautiful way, and in a way that is always seen more clearly in hindsight.
On a personal level, The World can mean your own breakthrough, a way of seeing beyond even the vision you have for yourself, and moving toward a higher vision.
On a global level, we have the opportunity to change a lot about what has been wrong in our society for the last 100 years and work toward making it right.
2 – The High Priestess
The High Priestess allows us to see more clearly; just as we have the opportunity with Judgement to create a higher vision of ourselves, the High Priestess allows us to see that vision in the first place! It is a time to get quiet, reflect, and see how you can connect with that quiet inner voice to receive your vision.
The global level – wow. We have the first female Vice President, along with cabinet appointees that represent the vision of the Divine Feminine: Diversity. Diversity is inherent in nature – anywhere you see a mono-culture (think pests in a corn crop) you see failure. Where you have diversity (old growth forests) Nature flourishes. Our new High Priestess energy began with the year 2000, and this year it gets a wonderful boost from last year’s double High Priestess.
1 – The Magician
This is your chance to begin a new Journey. The Magician (you) have all the tools on the table to begin. You already have what you need this year to make 2021 your playground. Use this energy to your advantaged. The Magician is “doing” energy. Go within, using the High Priestess energy, find your vision, and then: Step Out and Do It!
On a global level, we have a fascinating, open, King of Cups as president elect, whose numerology gives him the High Priestess card. This is a person who has heart and the ability see what needs to be done, and the vision to do it.
5 – The Hierophant
The numerology for 2021 is 5; the Hierophant. (2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5) The cards in the image above are from the Light Seers Tarot, and I love, love, love the Hierophant in this deck. The Hierophant is all about teaching and learning, change, and spirituality. On a personal level, learn what you need to do to CHANGE AND GROW in a beautiful and meaningful way – you can go far in this year. See who the trail blazers were who have already walked the path you’re on; you can learn from them.
On a global level, the Hierophant is about a shift, looking to others for experience and expertise – and that is exactly what seems to be happening. It is my hope that the world, the country will learn to become interdependent, learn and grow from joy – not competition. The Hierophant can bring beautiful learning and growth to the world. There can also be the trap of dogma fighting the New Way, however supported by the other elements, this can be a truly big year with global breakthroughs.
I’ll be doing a special Tarot Reading Room based on these cards on January 7th at 6pm PST. I hope to see you there!
Wishing you a beautiful 2021! Share this post with friends, draw cards to see what you can take away from this for yourself, and leave a comment below!
Dear Sally,
This is very interesting. However, aren’t you missing a card — 0 — the Fool, from the 0 in 2021 (all other numbers broken down individually). Please share, and offer perspective.
You are absolutely right! I also consider the Fool “22” – which means a double Fool just as there is a double High Priestess. We could also add “21” for the Empress card.