How Do I Know I’m On The Right Path
When we look to the Tarot, we often ask deep questions and want a quick answer. We all do it. “How do I know that I’m on the right path,” is an often-asked Tarot question that takes many different forms; “How do I know this job is right for me?” “Is this the right lover for me?” Then we flip a card over, see an Ace of Pentacles and maybe we even see the path within it, and we figure we’re on the right path.
And then the doubt ensues.
We pull another card.
The truth is, “How do I know that I’m on the right path,” is a lot like asking, “What is the meaning of life?”
The Tarot is meant for deeper reflection, and that deeper reflection requires a more meaningful series of questions and answers, until you’ve arrived a question steeped in understanding. Try to think through and intuit for yourself the answer to a question before consulting the Tarot.
So, if you are asking, you more than likely already know the answer. What you really might be hoping for is permission from the Tarot to take a course of action.
If you are asking about a particular lover, you might already have the intuition that they’re not right for you. If you are asking about a job, you might already know that it’s not right for you. How? Check to see if you are betraying yourself.
Betraying yourself might mean being with a lover because of the things they offer. Betraying yourself might mean taking the job for the financial security and not because you’re passionate about the work. Betraying yourself feels like you’ve let yourself down in some way, lowered your standards.
And sometimes it’s just plain hard to tell. Do the butterflies we’re feeling when taking a new job or being with a new lover mean we’re on the right path, or is it part of a warning warning system telling us to back off? The question evokes feelings within us, possibly tears. And that is when we’re on the right path to the best question.
We’re asking the Tarot the right question when we are engaged emotionally.
“If I continue with that lover, will I be betraying myself?”
You might know the answer already now, but the cards can help you understand why.