Aces: The Other Major Arcana Cards

Are Aces the other Major Arcana Cards?

I find Aces to be as significant as Major Arcana cards. If  you look at the Tarot from a numerology standpoint, Aces are associated with The Magician (1), the Wheel of Fortune (10), and the Sun (19). This 1 energy is associated with beginnings, and each Ace is a seed card, the planting of a new direction.

Aces are powerful! Here are the directions:

Ace of Cups: As Cups are associated with the element of Water and Feeling energy, the Ace or 1 is all about a new feeling taking you in a new direction.

Ace of Pentacles: As Pentacles are associated with the element of Earth, it’s all about how to be on the planet: A new job, something new with your home environment, or even Being a different way.

Ace of Wands: These are Fire energy, passion, cleansing, the Phoenix energy. This is swift movement with passion in a new direction.

Ace of Swords: The thinking energy. Consider that the Crown symbolically represents a divine thought coming through the seventh chakra; this has huge significance. Thoughts become things, and this is powerful energy and can completely change your life’s trajectory.

In the Smith-Waite deck, an other-worldly hand bestows these elements to you. This could be seen as Source energy offering you a new direction in life. Would you turn down “All-That-Is” telling you to do something in a new way?

Another aspect of the Aces is that Beginnings, that 1 numerology energy, always come after an ending. Is there something that you have let go of recently, something that has ended, an aspect of your life that isn’t working for you? Receiving an Ace is a clear message that it’s time to try something new.

 Since Aces have such impact, they really do seem as powerful as the Major Arcana cards that inform our lives. The Tarot has been called The Book of Life for a reason. Life is all about Beginnings.

What are your thoughts on Aces? What have you experienced when working with them?

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