Tarot: When You Don’t Know What To Do

Sometimes Life has too many paths to choose from, and sometimes Life can feel like it offers no paths. It’s times like these when it can be tempting to create multiple layouts to get your answer.

The first situation, too many paths to choose from, might look something like a career change or choice. If you’ve been in a job for a long time and it is no longer fulfilling or challenging, you know you need to make a change. If you’re in college selecting a major, you need to make a choice. In both of these instances, the paths seem to take your life in as many directions as octopi have arms. The choices immobilize you because what if you’re wrong.

The second situation, which feels like there are no paths to change your life, you feel stuck. This might look like a long-time friendship that no longer serves you, but you continue spending time with that no-longer-friend out of a sense of loyalty. It feels like you have no choice. Feeling stuck, like there are no paths out, might also look like staying in a living situation that just doesn’t feel good because maybe you don’t believe you can change your life. What if you fail?

Neither of these situations feels good. And that’s just the point. They don’t feel good, and trying to think yourself out of either of these boxes when you don’t feel good doesn’t work. If it did, you would already be on the path to the next stage of your life. Thinking yourself out of the box is like a little gray mouse on a wheel that spins to nowhere. You keep thinking the same thoughts. Sometimes those thoughts are great, but you don’t act on them. Usually the reason you can’t change starts with the word because, or the phrase What if… ?

To change your path, you have to change your day-to-day feelings about your life, no matter your circumstances.

This is a great time to pull a card per day to help you feel your way into a new way of thinking. Take a full week, or even a month, with the daily question: “What is a new way to feel about this situation?” Use your feelings to help guide you through the changes and shifts of life.

There is a lot of talk about visualizing the things that you want, and there is a lot of very useful talk about feeling your way through to a new way of being. But sometimes we don’t know what the heck to visualize, we only know we want change! We don’t know what a new job would feel like, so we can’t go there. We don’t know what a new life would look like, so we can’t go there.

“What is a new way to feel about this situation?” will help you navigate those tricky situations.

When you’re stuck, let go of any outcomes. Release trying to figure out the next step. Let go of trying to think your way onto another path or solution. Let go of trying to figure out what a new path would look like. Instead, do whatever it takes to feel better now. When you’re feeling good, feeling clear, feeling happy, the new ideas come to you because you’ve created new pathways that are accompanied by new thoughts.

Good feelings and pleasure allow us to think more clearly.

Think back to the things that made you happy as a child. There was zero stress, worry, “becauses” or “What ifs” involved. You just did the thing that made you happy.

Get back to that, back to feeling good so that you can make choices that bring out your sense of excitement and adventure.

“What is a new way to feel about this situation?” might bring up some of the more shadowy Tarot cards. Use those cards to work through any anger or resentment.

When you feel good, you meet new people because you’re literally vibrating at a different level. Those new people might lead to a new job, new friendships, or new relationships. When you feel good, you become more receptive. When you’re not stressed, change doesn’t loom ahead like a giant Worry Monster that haunts every waking moment.

Let go. Choose one new thing that makes you feel good, and do that so that you begin to feel good. The perfect next step will come when you’re least expecting it! When you feel good, there are no wrong answers or failures. When you feel good, you’ll know what to do! Drawing cards will help.

(Please note: This is not for extreme life situations. Get help immediately if you are in a dangerous or manipulative situation. Take action now, no matter how you’re feeling about it or how it will affect those around you.)

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4 Responses to Tarot: When You Don’t Know What To Do

  1. Great post and wonderful message. Gave me much food for thought.

  2. dave ehrlich says:

    Thanks Sally. This illuminating yet practical advise is timely and relevent for me. I will be throwing myself into my modern equivalent of “fort-building” to raise my vibration level and open up some liberating opportunities.

    • Sally Dubats says:

      You’re welcome, Dave! Fort-building will definitely raise vibrations — especially if you can retreat into them frequently 🙂 Blessed be!

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