Tarot Scape: A Magickal Meditation

The purpose of this magickal meditation is to talk to your Tarot Guide — your Higher Self — the spiritual part of yourself that knows answers and can give you the messages that you need to hear!

You will need: A deck of Tarot cards. Optional: meditation music and a candle.

Your personal Tarot card is based on your numerology, and uses only the Major Arcana cards (most decks come with a small booklet that will list the Major Arcana cards). To find your personal Tarot card reduce the numbers of your birth date by adding up the day, month, and year of your birth. Here’s an example:

The Tarot card for someone born February 4, 1992 (2/4/1992) would look like this:

.        2

+     4

+ 1992


Then add the total: 1 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 27.

Further reduce double digits until you have a number between 1 and 9. For instance, the “27” in the example above is reduced further by adding the individual numbers together. 2+7=9.

9 is “The Hermit” card. Your personal Tarot Guide would be “The Hermit” and you would do the magickal meditation with that card in mind. If this is confusing to you, or you don’t resonate with your personal card right now, feel free to select a card that has meaning for you.

Light a candle. You can play soft music or work in silence. Take three breaths to let go of the cares of the day and move into a contemplative space. Take up the card, and look at every detail possible. Look at the eyes, the face, and the mouth. Get to know the facial features. See the colors of the card, and look at the symbolism: roses, the elements, weather, landscape, action or movement, confidence. Pay particular attention to the border of the card. Memorize the card.

Now, close your eyes, and continue to see the card. Make the card larger and larger in your mind until it becomes a life-size landscape. Again, see the border around the card, and then step into the landscape. You have now entered the realm of your Higher Self as relates to the Tarot.

Walk up to your personal Guide. This is your equal who happens to know a little bit more about you than you remember about yourself. The strength your feel from your Tarot Guide is strength you already have within yourself. Spend a bit of time in silence and get to know the energy of your Guide (I have gone for silent walks with mine, the High Priestess). When you are ready, manifest a bench, or picnic, or somewhere to sit with your Tarot Guide. Have a conversation, ask questions, and finally ask: “Is there anything else you want to tell me or that I need to know?”

When you are finished, thank your Tarot Guide, allow yourself to sense the room around you, become aware of your breathing, and slowly come out of the meditative state and open your eyes.

The answers to questions, information, and insights you receive from this magickal meditation can be astounding! You can also have a friend guide you through this meditation if it helps you to focus on the imagery a bit better. Make sure there is plenty of silent time for you to talk with your Tarot Guide.

I’d love to hear your results and insights!

Brightest blessings!

Posted in Magick, Numerology, Personal Growth, Spiritual Growth, Tarot, Wild Card, Witch, Witchcraft | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

All Hallows Eve

 By Sally Dubats

Welcome ye now

to All Hallows Eve

Open the door

To webs we weave.


Midpoint between

Mabon and Yule

See the unseen

When nature is dual


Love and Light,

To Friends who’ve passed,

Taking our flight

Together at last.

The Veil is thin

Between our Worlds

You’ll hear the din

As belief unfurls

Apples and Candy

Bobbing and fun

Celebrate, Yes!

But when feasting is done…


Settle ye spirits

On this Sacred night,

Time to hear

Our stories of plight

We remember now

Those we’ve lost

And our heads do bow

At the great cost


Fathers and Mothers,

Sisters and Brothers,

Friends and Lovers,

Cousins and Others.


So candles burn

To honor those passed

And show the way

To Summerland’s rest.


The Veil will lower,

This we know

But cherish the hour

And don’t be low.

In a year and a day

Bless’ed candles we’ll burn

An’ next All Hallows Eve

Departed Spirits Return


With Love, Light, and Brightest Blessings

Happy Samhain,


Posted on by Sally Dubats | 1 Comment

Are Aces the “Other Major Arcana?”

The four acesAre Aces the other Major Arcana Cards? Aces can be as significant as Major Arcana cards.
Associated with The Magician (“1” in Numerology), Aces hold the promise of a new direction, whether going with your feelings or moving forward with passion. The Magician carries each of the Elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) on his table, all the tools are available to move forward, and those tools are in the form of Beginnings – the powerful Aces!
In the Smith-Waite deck, an other-worldly hand emerges from a cloud and bestows a gift of a New Feeling, Thought or Direction. If you think about how much your life may have changed when you stepped out in a new way, such as a new job or love, you’ll understand the power of a new direction. It completely changes your life trajectory.
Ace of Cups: Shifts your life toward understanding your emotions and following your heart.
Ace of Pentacles: Shifts your home and Earthly pursuits such as job or new location.
Ace of Wands: Brings fiery energy – passion – to all that you want to do.
Ace of Swords: A new thought, a new idea, really wants to be paid attention to!
What are your thoughts on Aces? What have you experienced when working with them?
Posted in Ace of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, Ace of Wands, Aces, Tarot, Wild Card | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Magickal Apple Harmony Spell

    The purpose of this spell is to bring harmony, and what better time than Imbolc! As we bring in the Light, let’s bring in harmony! This works for harmony with the Self (check in: are you disappointed or even mad at yourself for some reason? Is this blocking you from your goals?), a relationship with Another (school friend, co-worker, lover, spouse, friend, sibling), or a Group (families, co-workers, a class you’re attending or teaching, spiritual gatherings, covens, etc.).
     You may do this by yourself, or with your partner or in a group or coven. It is especially effective to share if you’re working on harmony in relationships with others, but not necessary.
    You will need an apple (or other fruit if you prefer) and a glass of water (you may share the glass, or have a glass available for each person if you prefer).
    Next, cut up the hurts! Cut the fruit into several slices. As you cut, visualize the incidents that have taken you apart over time. If you are disharmonious with your Self, visualize why as you cut the apple. Have you not completed an important project? Have you been unkind to yourself? If the lack of harmony is with Another, visualize the challenges that your relationship has had and the changes that have occurred as you cut. Really feel the hurt, anger, frustration. If the lack of harmony is in a Group, see where the lack of harmony began, and cut the apple.
    If you’re with the person or group you wish to create harmony with, while you are cutting, talk openly and gently about the challenges. You can even talk about the challenges if you’re by yourself. Allow the emotions to flow. Maybe even the tears. Know that the cutting of the apple is symbolic of the separation of harmony from your life, the cutting apart of you as a whole person or the cutting apart of you with a partner or group. If you’re doing this with others, make a pact before the spell work begins that no matter what is said, it is safe to feel because everyone involved knows that the goal is to heal and bring you back to your natural state: Harmony.
    When all is said and felt, close your eyes and visualize the apple as it began, a blossom on a tree. Compare that to the very beginnings of your relationship with Self, Another, or Group. Pink, light, blowing in the breeze. Visualize the apple growing and compare that to the friendship and trust. Visualize the entire summer season, drinking in the sun, and moving into fall. Compare that to the growing and maturing Harmony of the relationships. Fill yourself with the love that was the original foundation and blossom of your relationship. Recall and Feel the very, very best of your relationship to your Self or Group. This should feel truly amazing.
    Now, hold your hands over the cut apple, close your eyes, and see the apple as beautiful, whole, delicious, nutritious, fulfilling its destiny, growing in the sun, and compare that to how you want the relationship to be again. Keep the vision in your mind’s eye until you can feel how beautiful the apple is, and how beautiful your relationship is. Remember the very best of your relationship. Recall the best of the spiritual Self, Another, or Group.
   Open your eyes, and see the love and harmony of your relationship in the apple. You may say words of your own or similar to, “As I eat this apple and it becomes whole within me, I here and now make a pact with the Goddess and the God to make my relationship whole.” Eat the apple in silence, and know that you are creating the basis of making your relationship with Self, Another, or Group, whole, beautiful, and harmonious. Savor the beauty of your relationship as you eat the apple. If you are spell crafting with those you’re doing magick to be harmonious, the apple is shared among you.
    Hold the water, bless it with words you choose, or something like, “Mother, Father, Goddess, God, just as water has given vibrant life to everything that exists on the earth, let this water bring vibrant life and harmony to (myself, or name the partner or group).” Drink the water or share it (you may each have your own glass if you prefer), and know that the harmony you’ve ingested will grow with the sacred water of life.
    Blessed be!
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“Veil Between Worlds” is FREE today on amazon!

Veil Between Worlds #2 in Urban Fantasy

Hello {{{{WITCHESSSSS!!!}}}

Veil Between Worlds” is free today on amazon!

I am positively THRILLED TO THE STARS because it has reached #1 in Fantasy, Myths and Legends… AND #2 in Fantasy, Paranormal & Urban! Click to get your free kindle copy by the end of the day!!!


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My Books Are Free This Weekend!

I’m sharing “Veil Between Worlds” and “Winter Shock” FREE on amazon this weekend! Please help spread the word and share with your friends!! Thank you!

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Discover How To Enchant a Stone for Love or Money

The purpose of this enchantment is to carry with you a quality you want to draw to yourself. Qualities include love, abundance, luck, a job, a higher spiritual vibration, or losing weight. It could be whatever you want in your life!

You will need: A stone that holds the qualities you want to draw (more about that in a second). An herb to match that vibration. A Full Moon.

If you don’t already have a stone with the qualities you want to draw, visit a metaphysical shop (one of my favorite things to do!). You should be able to find the perfect stone for less than five dollars. For example, Rose Quartz would be good for drawing love; sodalite would be good for communicating better. You can google “meanings of stones” to help you.

Research the herb that carries the same vibration.

I will use “drawing love” as my example for enchanting a stone. I will use basil as my herb, and Rose Quartz as my stone. As a little-known side note, Rose Quartz is pink and works to balance the heart chakra. I find this interesting: the 7th chakra is sometimes viewed as white, and the base chakra can be viewed as red. Red and White combined make pink, the color of Rose Quartz. Our heart chakra is the center of the chakras, and the conduit or fulcrum of spirit and body. There are three “higher chakras” above, and three “earthly chakras” below. But I digress…

On a full moon, place the herbs on a small plate. I am using basil in my example, so I would put four or five large basil leaves on my plate. If it’s a different kind of herb like tarragon (protection) that has tiny leaves on a stem or mustard seeds (prosperity), use enough to make a small bed or mound on which to place your stone. You can also use dried herbs right from your cupboard; simply make a small mound with the dried herbs.

Purposefully select a Tarot card that embodies the energy that you’re drawing to you. Use your intuition. Place it alongside your “stone altar”.

Hold your hand over the herbs, and visualize white light from the heavens moving through the top of your head, through your heart, and down through your arm and hand and saturate the herbs with loving Oneness. Feel gratitude for the herbs working with you and for you. Say a blessing that feels right to you. As an example, “I bless this sacred basil and am filled with gratitude as it lays the groundwork for drawing my intended love close to my heart.”

Hold your stone. Visualize your perfect scenario, more confidence or love or prosperity. What does that look like and feel like to you? Make it real. Very real. What does it feel like? Feeeeeel it. Visualize that energy going into your stone as you hold it. Again, draw divine white light from the heavens through the top of your head, to your heart, through your arms and hands and into the stone.

Place the stone onto the pillow of herbs. Continuing to hold your hands above the stone, say the following or similar words that hold meaning for you, “I bless this sacred Rose Quartz. Your sacred vibration draws my intended love (prosperity, perfect job, etc.) close to my heart.” The words are less important than the intention and what you are feeling. An important note is to be clear about being in the space of already having what you want, and not being in the space of needing what you want! For instance, really be in love while doing this enchantment, and not in the place of wishing you had love.

Leave your stone in the moonlight for a twenty-four hour period. Charged with your intention, it will gain energy and be cleansed in the moonlight while you sleep. If the full moon is during the day (check an ephemeris), leave the stone out during the day as well. If you simply cannot leave your spell work outside, place the plate in a window.

After twenty-four hours, pick up your stone and feel the yummy vibrations it carries. Bless the herbs and either burn them on charcoal and thank them for their work, or scatter them to the winds asking the winds to carry your desires to the Universe, or bury the herbs letting the earth element plant the seeds. It’s nice to match your astrological element with this part. For example, burn if you’re a fire sign, bury if you’re an earth sign, scatter upon water if you’re a water sign. Keep the stone with you during the day, in your pocket, wallet, purse, or desk drawer. Refer to your feelings during your enchantment often, and just watch what wonders you draw!

Blessed be!


Posted in Herbs and Health, Magick, Pagan Philosophy, Spells, Wild Card, Witch, Witchcraft | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

“Winter Shock” Starter Day Party!

I’m so excited!

Check out I Heart Books for a kick-off to a month-long virtual tour. There will be: interviews, guest blogs, book excerpts, and best of all:


To find out when the give-aways are, all you have to do is click the link above!

Majanka has done a wonderful job of coordinating a spectacular month. Thank you, Majanka!

And of course, I wish you a very magical month!

Brightest blessings!


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Imbolc Floating Candles

Imbolc is February 2nd, the midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The days are getting longer, which literally means more light, sunlight, fills our days. We can use this as symbolic of more light in our lives. If you’re in school, Imbolc is a great way to mark how few months are left until Summer Vacation! Using candlelight is the perfect way to bring more joy and light into our lives. As we focus on it, so it is!

There is no limit on the amount of joy we can experience. The purpose of this magickal work is to create joy, or to expand your joy. It can also be used as an initiation to a new phase of your life and an opportunity to connect with the Sacred.

You will need: A large bowl filled with water (a glass bowl is lovely because of its reflective properties, but any large bowl will work). A candle to float (removing the tin from a tea light will work, or use candles specifically suited to floating). Use one candle per person if several people are present. You will also need oil or incense to bless the candle, and matches or a lighter.

You may do this with a group, coven, or by yourself. You may also do this in a circle as part of ritual, or simply as a tool while visualizing.

Sit with your bowl of water in front of you. Hold your candle, close your eyes, and take three sacred breaths. First Sacred Breath: Inhale. Exhale slowly, and completely relax your body. Breathe for a moment. Second Sacred Breath: Inhale. Exhale slowly and completely relax and clear your mind, moving deep within the Self and letting go of the cares of the day. Breathe a moment. Third Sacred Breath: Inhale. Exhale slowly, and allow your Spirit to settle and know that all is as it should be. Open your eyes. Breathe.

The magickal Imbolc work you are about to do is filled with symbolism and meaning. Each element is present. The Water in your bowl represents the Waters of All Time that have moved through every single life that has ever lived: present for every emotion and thought (hold your hand over the Water and thank it or do another blessing that you prefer). The candle and wick represent the Earth: Gaia has experienced every footstep and event since the existence of humankind (hold your hand over the Earth/candle and thank it, or do another blessing you prefer). When you light the candle, Fire is present: Just as fire had the power to change the course of humankind when first discovered, it can change the course of your life. Air: Necessary for Fire, mingled in Water, and keeps everything on Earth alive.

Gaze at your unlit candle. Like you, it is potential. Like you, it is formed to a particular purpose. Like you, it will become something else when that purpose (lighting it) is activated. Consider that you have more work to do on this planet, and that you are open and receptive to change. Know that the candle will go through an initiation and change to a higher calling, just as you are about to go through initiation and a higher calling. Use either incense or oil that you have blessed and/or thanked – and bless the candle. To do this: Light the incense, and hold the candle within the smoke, knowing that the candle is in its perfection and surrenders to the process of initiation and change. As an alternative, dab a bit of oil on the bottom of the candle. Even a dab of olive oil works if you don’t have essential oil.

As you light the candle, say these words or words of your choosing that have meaning for you, “I light this candle, perfect as it is, as a symbol. I am perfect as I am, and now choose to move forward and expand my Light Within. I am willing to step forward into a new Light. I am willing to change.”

Gently place the lit candle into the water.*

Because we are all One, and separation is an illusion, we can now use this lit candle to represent the All. As you gaze at the floating candle (or candles if you are in a group), focus on the changes you want to see in your life, knowing that you are cradled in sacred waters of change. Water can be mist, ice, rain or a vast ocean. We can be as many things too, and just as powerful. Next, expand the beauty of your perfect vision to your family. Then expand to your community of friends. Then expand to the city where you live. Then expand to your state or province. Then expand to your country. Then expand to the planet. Visualize the planet as filled with Perfect Light, Perfect Love.

Hold the vision.

Take the Three Sacred Breaths to center and ground yourself(ves).

Blessed be and wishing you a beautiful Imbolc.

*Of course, always use extreme caution when working with fire, candles, incense, etc. Never leave burning candles unattended.

Posted in Magick, Spells, Wiccan Holidays, Wild Card, Witch, Witchcraft | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Collecting Your Self – A Charm

For Your Grimoire

Collecting Your Self – A Charm

The purpose of this charm, a form of spellwork, is to collect aspects of your Self that have been given away or put aside. An aspect of our Self might be our dreams, ambitions, or that vague feeling that we’re not the same person we used to be and we want to call that part of us back! This spell is about integrating the Self that has been set aside or lost.

You will need: Two pieces of velvet, felt, or other fabric cut into the shape of a star (6 to 8 inch, enough to make a star-shaped “pillow”), thread and needle to sew, a bowl or cauldron, and the following: barley to represent Earth, dried sage to represent Air, dried basil to represent Fire, dried chamomile to represent Water, Your Breath to represent Spirit. You should have enough grain and herbs to fill the pillow.

You may do this with a group, coven, or by yourself. You may also do this in a circle as part of ritual, or simply as a tool while visualizing.

Sew most of the star together ahead of time – it doesn’t matter if you can’t sew; this is about intention. If you want, you can look up the meanings of colors and use a color of felt that is significant for you (e.g., purple to call back a more spiritual aspect of Self, yellow for personal will, and so on).

Take up the barley and hold it in your hand. Call the Earth aspects of your Self: call the part that is prosperous, the part that has a solid foundation, the part that is grounded, the part that is nurturing, and the part that plants ideas as seeds and plans the future. Think of specific times when you strongly felt each of these things, or other Earth aspects. Visualize all of that energy within the barley, and place the barley in the cauldron. Think of the cauldron as the Divine Feminine; each time you place a grain or herb in the “womb” or cauldron, you are re-birthing that aspect of your Self.

Take up the remaining herbs one at a time, visualize the corresponding aspect you’re drawing back to you, and place it in the cauldron.

Sage, Air: Call back your quick wit, logic, wisdom, planning abilities.

Basil, Fire: Call back your passion for life, or elsewhere! Call back your fast action, your ability to cleanse the past to make way for a brilliant future!

Chamomile, Water: Call back your intuition, and most importantly, your correct path. Water always flows in the most direct route to the ocean, and you can flow in your most direct route to the truest you.

Next, mix these items together in the cauldron. As you do, blow gently on the mixture to add Spirit, all the while visualizing the YOU you are calling back.

Fill the star pillow with the mixture, and quietly sew the pillow closed, visualizing the new, fully integrated, you. Tie some yarn in a loop to the top of the star to hang it from your front door knob or bedroom door knob as a reminder of your Best You when you leave the house.

Oh, and the reason for the star shape? It is from the pentacle — four of the points represent the elements, the fifth point represents Spirit. And… just to remind you that you ARE A STAR!

Blessed be!

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